Mushroom Benefits: Sexual Pleasure

Cordyceps fungus have received a lot of attention for benefiting sexual health, but even the simple white button mushroom promotes great sex. Physiologically, pleasure is a synchrony of our nervous system, blood vessels and hormones. Mushroom nutrition wonderfully benefits all of these, with research documenting improved arousal, orgasm, and other measures of sexual health.

Cordyceps Fungus:

Cordyceps, which is a fungus that grows parasitically on caterpillars, killing its host, enhances the way our cells use oxygen. It is used to boost performance and energy. Less known is that it also enhances sexual function. It has been used in China for over 2000 years both medicinally and to promote longevity. Cordyceps demonstrated ability to protect its host from viral infection.

Several recent studies have demonstrated measurable improvements in libido and desire in both men and women. In males studies found that cordyceps increased testosterone, as well as significant improved sperm count and sperm quality.[1] Ganoderma and Cordyceps also significantly improved endurance in athletes, raising testosterone and improving the testosterone to cortisol ratio at rest and while cycling after three months of supplementation. These mushrooms also protected against oxidative stress.Cordyceps is a natural vasodilator and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for ages. It benefits cholesterol and lowers triglycerides.

Mushroom Nutrition Helps Nerves Signal Pleasure

It’s not just cordyceps that benefit sexual pleasure. Reduced sexual pleasure can sometimes be from issues with our blood vessels and sometimes it is because our nerves aren’t signaling quickly or strongly enough. Mushrooms offer amazing benefit to nerves from the genitals to the brain. Many types of mushrooms have been shown to increase nerve conduction velocity and strength. This means that when our genitals are stimulated, the nerves that send signals to the brain, and then interpret them as sexual pleasure, are firing more effectively. Other mushrooms have been used effectively to treat male infertility due to testicular damage.

Mushroom Benefits Blood Flow to Genitals

Mushrooms also benefit our cardiovascular system. As a potent hypotensive, culinary mushrooms have demonstrated ability to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and reduce the risk of stroke in numerous studies.* Having healthy blood vessels is crucial to delivering adequate blood supply to the genitals, which is a part of both male and female sexual arousal and pleasure.

Mushrooms, high in zinc and selenium, help regulate cortisol and testosterone and other sex hormones. Arousal and sexual function are depended on proper proportions of estrogen and testosterone in men and women.

In summary, health benefits of mushrooms include improving nerve conduction velocity to and from the genitals. You don’t have to buy fancy cordyceps fungus to enjoy sexual benefits, as even the simple white button mushroom can improve nerve impulses signaling sexual pleasure.

*Valverde, M. E., Hernández-Pérez, T., & Paredes-López, O. (2015). Edible mushrooms: improving human health and promoting quality life. International journal of microbiology.

[1] Jiraungkoorskul, K., & Jiraungkoorskul, W. (2016). Review of Naturopathy of Medical Mushroom, Ophiocordyceps Sinensis, in Sexual Dysfunction. Pharmacognosy reviews, 10(19), 1–5. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.176566

C. DeLozier Written by:

Christine DeLozier is an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in sexual health. Because diet is so critical to great sex, she helps patients develop habits that optimize sexual function.

One Comment

  1. Olivia Elliott-Wright
    December 5, 2021

    This is interesting and very good to know. I decided to research this topic because two days ago I ate some mushrooms and little did I know of the sexual benefits. The night after we had mushrooms with our dinner, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling all wet and wanting sex. My sex drive has been so low for almost a year, therefore I could not understand what was going on. I will continue to eat mushrooms from now on. This was actually my first time eating mushrooms. My husband was also ready for set after having problems for so long, and it was really good….

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Hot sex.  Naturally. That’s what this blog is about. Hot sex is understood universally.  No translation needed.  Hard. Wet. Eager. Carnal. It’s the biological design of the human body and we must care for it. What we take into our bodies must nurture the vessels that supply blood to our sex organs, the nerves that command them, and the hormones that regulate them. In doing so we will bring out all that is possible from our own sensual physiology.