Christine DeLozier, author of Diet for Great Sex, shares recommendations with the Huffington Post:
Vibe-Killing Foods To Avoid On Valentine’s Day
We’ve all heard the same old list of aphrodisiacs. But if your stomach isn’t in the mood, you won’t be either.
It’s easy to plan for the best-case Valentine’s Day scenario: You’re in control of lighting the candles, setting the playlist, getting the flowers, and so on. But even the best-laid plans for getting laid can be easily felled by biology.
…Moreover, according to Christine DeLozier, author of “Diet for Great Sex: Food for Male and Female Sexual Health” and certified holistic nutritional counselor, “testosterone will fall after a very fatty meal. This has the potential to reduce libido quite noticeably” for anyone, regardless of sex or gender. Plus, fatty foods tend to be things we overeat; she called out burgers, fries, creamy sauces, fish fries, nachos, fried chicken, mac and cheese, lasagna, dips, pies and pizza. Read Full Article
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