Last updated on January 25, 2020
Can food really improve sex drive, help with female orgasm and create stronger erections? Absolutely, and there is plenty of research to back this up. Great sex is the product of a.) healthy blood vessels in the genitals, b.) balanced hormones and c.) good nerve signaling between the brain and the genitals. The affect of food on these processes is well-documented, and quite profound.
As an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in sexual health, I treat women and men looking to have better sex. Acupuncture is great in bringing blood flow to the sex organs and balancing hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. If we want to address the underlying mechanics of consistently great sex though, we need to think about diet.
Great sex is more than finding someone to touch your genitals. The health of a person’s vascular and nervous systems, as well as hormonal balance all greatly affect how they will experience sex. It affects female orgasm, as well as strength of erection and ejaculation. For both men and women it will affect libido, sexual pleasure and quality of orgasm. When I treat sexual health, I work with each patient to develop a diet plan that will support their treatment goals.
The power of diet to improve blood flow to the genitals, help female orgasm, raise libido, and to balance hormones is amazing. But how long does it take to see results? Surprisingly little. There has been quite a bit of research showing significant measurable improvements in the function of blood vessels after a single meal, for example. Of course, you will get more benefits the longer you eat right for sexual health. Consistently following a diet that supports hormonal, vascular and nerve health makes for the hottest sex.
About Me:
I started out at the University of Rochester, studying Biology and Psychology. The Honors program trained students to conduct scientific research. I ultimately decided that a career in research wasn’t for me, but my experience gave me an appreciation for the scientific method, which you will see throughout this blog. I have spent countless hours examining epidemiological and clinical research on nutrition and sexual function to shape the opinions and recommendations presented here.
Following my undergraduate work, I earned a Master’s degree in counseling, working as a counselor for 10 years. My passion for natural and alternative medicine got the best of me though, and I decided to get a second Master’s degree, this time in both Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine programs. During my education I studied Chinese dietary therapy, and had earlier earned a certification as a Holistic Nutritional Counselor.
I have always been obsessed with diet, nutrition, and natural health. My dietary recommendations to patients are rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the physiological effect of food on the body while honoring the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine.
Helping Women Orgasm and Men Have Stronger Erections
Often patients wouldn’t mention their sexual health concerns until they got to know me. I would treat their low back pain, and then after a few sessions they would mention that they were looking to have stronger erections, increase libido or improve vaginal dryness during sex.
I remember very clearly the first patient I ever treated for sexual function. He seemed really nervous about asking. He explained that he wanted to have harder erections and felt that his quality of orgasm and ejaculation weren’t as good as they could be.
The next time I saw the patient, he reported that his libido had skyrocketed, and that his erections were much harder. He also said that the force of propulsion of ejaculate was stronger. He was so pleased with the results, and I was too. It made me so happy that I could help him to have a better sexual relationship with his wife.
After that, a woman came to see me because she was experiencing vaginal dryness and discomfort with intercourse. The next week she reported better lubrication and that there was no discomfort at all. I treated other patients and was struck by how many saw major improvements after treatment. I realized that these issues had a major impact on quality of life and relationships, and saw that I could really help make people’s lives better. For this reason I decided to specialize in sexual health. I spent my time researching ways to use Chinese medicine and acupuncture to help women and men.
Since then I have seen countless patients wanting better sex. Female orgasm is a huge issue in relationships, and women generally come in looking to treat this, or increase libido and balance hormones. I typically see men who who are looking to have stronger erections, better orgasms and to enjoy sex longer before ejaculating. I treat patients individually, with each case being unique.
Every Patient is Unique
Some patients just need a little help and others need a lot. In my research, I saw clearly that diet has a profound effect on quality of sex for males and females. Great sex is generally thought of as a psychological phenomenon, but the physiological roots are undeniable, and research clearly demonstrates this.
Patients often ask, why is it that sex can be great one time and not so great another? One experience can be immensely pleasurable bringing us to an earth-shattering climax, and the next one, meh? We could attribute this to the person we’re with, or to our state of mind, but often times its entirely physical. Sometimes our genitals are more sensitive to stimulation, our desire is heightened, and our bodies are just generally more responsive to sexuality.
We know that sex tends to function better the younger and more fit we are, and worse with high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, inflammation or for smokers.[1] And we may have periods in our lives when we have higher libido, more stamina and more passion in the bedroom. This often corresponds with the times we are caring more for our bodies in the form of the foods we are eating, physical activity and managing stress.
Vascular Health and Sex
For men and women, sexual function is very much a reflection of our general health.[2] When our vascular system is cared for properly with the right foods, it delivers an adequate supply of blood to the clitoris and penis. Nerves signaling from the genitals to the brain and back again require appropriate building blocks to function at their best. In addition, food affects sex hormones and their role in sexual function, which is important for female orgasm and erectile strength.

[1] Archer SL. (2002). Potassium Channels and Erectile Dysfunction. Vascular Pharmacology. Jan;38(1):61-71.
[2] Salonia A1, Castagna G, Saccà A, Ferrari M, Capitanio U, Castiglione F, Rocchini L, Briganti A, Rigatti P, Montorsi F. (2012). Is erectile dysfunction a reliable proxy of general male health status? The case for the International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function domain. J Sex Med. Oct;9(10):2708-15.
I often give my patients homework, such as preparing meals that nourish great sex. I want them to experience the impact of one day of changing eating habits. There is quality research suggesting that even one meal can affect vascular blood flow. Many report subtle improvement after one day’s meals, and more noticeable improvement after longer periods of eating well. So the next step is for them to see the impact of an entire week of changed eating habits.
One of the fundamental tenants of Traditional Chinese Medicine is addressing the root of good health. If we merely treat the branch, or the symptoms, as many pharmaceuticals do, our patients will be no better off than before we treated them. Diet very much addresses the root of great sex.
We have a lifetime of great sex to look forward to. And the sooner we think about diet, the better the condition of our bodies will be to give us all the corporeal pleasure that it is capable of.
[…] We always want the free flow of qi (nerve impulses) and blood to and from the genitals. We must eat foods that nourish that which carries qi and blood. Certain foods make nerves send signals more quickly […]