Dietary Nitrates For Female pleasure & Stronger Erections

Last updated on January 25, 2020

Dietary nitrates can make for stronger erections and better blood flow to the clitoris. During arousal, blood engorges the penis for men, and the vagina and clitoris for women.  This increase in blood volume leads to vaginal lubrication. How does it do this? When we are sexually stimulated, the nervous system releases nitric oxide (NO) and acetylcholine, stimulating increases in a substance called cGMP and causing arteries in the genitals to fill with blood.

Viagra, Nitric Oxide and cGMP

To illustrate, let’s look at Viagra. Viagra does not cause sexual arousal, but rather, operates on the vascular system, keeping cGMP levels high for stronger erections. It works by improving blood flow to the genitals, making the blood vessels more responsive to sexual excitement.  Some studies testing Viagra with women found that it significantly increased vaginal lubrication and blood flow to the clitoris.  It also  increased arousal, and 57% reported that the clitoris had improved sensitivity. This is further evidence that better blood flow to the genitals in both men and women improves sexual pleasure and performance.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were natural ways to increase nitric oxide/cGMP levels?  Surprisingly, there are.  Lots of foods increase nitric oxide levels, causing vasodilation and more elasticity within a couple hours!  And you won’t have to be worried that you will have an erection lasting longer than four hours.  Of course, these foods have long term vascular benefits, but we can also eat them shortly before sex to give our blood vessels a boost.  What this means is that our arteries will be delivering more blood to our sex organs for stronger erections and a more sensitive clitoris.     

Food to Increase NO and cGMP

Numerous studies have demonstrated that nitrate-rich foods such as apples, spinach, celery and beets reduce blood pressure and make the vascular system more pliable.  The nitrates in these foods convert to nitric oxide, promoting vascular health.  NO has anti-inflammatory properties and prevents blood clots.  It also dilates blood vessels and makes them more elastic, delivering good blood supply to the penis, vagina and clitoris.   In short, dietary nitrates generate more blood flow to the clitoris and make for stronger erections. This is also a great way to enhance stamina because it improves delivery of oxygen to muscles, reducing fatigue.

A lot of studies have tried to see if nitrate supplements were as effective but found that these were detrimental to health. So, the healthiest way to increase nitric oxide is through dietary sources rather than pills.      

Many studies have focused on two nitrate superstars, beets and spinach, showing improved performance with these two vegetables. Interestingly, even after a single serving of spinach, the blood vessels are more elastic. In one study, salivary nitrate increased eightfold 2 hours after eating spinach and blood vessels were measurably more elastic.  So, if you and your partner are going to be getting busy, eat some spinach and beets a couple hours before hand to enhance blood flow to the genitals, which will make for stronger erections and more pleasurable sex for men and women. There are lots of delicious vegetables to choose from which contain plenty of nitrates for immediate benefit to blood vessels. 

Foods High in Dietary Nitrates:

Moderate                           High                           Very High               

Cabbage                             Parsley                            Beets

Turnips                               Leeks                               Celery                    

 Dill                                     Swiss Chard                   Green Lettuces           

                                             Fennel                            Radish

                                             Endive            Spinach

C. DeLozier Written by:

Christine DeLozier is an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in sexual health. Because diet is so critical to great sex, she helps patients develop habits that optimize sexual function.

One Comment

  1. C. DeLozier
    August 23, 2020

    Thank you, I’m so glad that you like the information. I just finished writing my book on the subject, so now I’m hoping to have more time to focus on the blog 🙂

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Hot sex.  Naturally. That’s what this blog is about. Hot sex is understood universally.  No translation needed.  Hard. Wet. Eager. Carnal. It’s the biological design of the human body and we must care for it. What we take into our bodies must nurture the vessels that supply blood to our sex organs, the nerves that command them, and the hormones that regulate them. In doing so we will bring out all that is possible from our own sensual physiology.